Life Future with rimoco+

To residents of apartments equiped with rimoco+
How to use rimoco+ with Alexa Echo

*Apartments equipped with FNJ's home amenity service "rimoco+"

Examples of devices compatible with rimoco+ voice control “turn on” and “turn off”

  • *Controllable appliances are different from room to room.
  • *Amazon Alexa does not support electronic door keys.

How to set up Amazon Alexa

  • STEP 1

    Open Alexa app and tap "other" and then "Skills & Games"

  • STEP 2

    Enter "rimoco+" and tap rimoco+ in the search result

  • STEP 3

    Tap "Enable and use"

  • STEP 4

    From "Menu" in rimoco+ app, tap
    "Smart speaker" to generate link code

  • STEP 5

    Go back to Alexa app and enter the link code

  • STEP 6

    Your acocunt is linked after authentication.
    Tap "Next" to proceed

  • STEP 7

    Device registration may take about 45 seconds
    Tap "Next" after the device is connected

  • STEP 8

    Appliances registered to the account are displayed
    To set up which room an appliance is placed, tap "My Device Is Connected"

  • STEP 9

    Select where the appliacne is placed and tap "Add to group"

  • STEP 10

    Tap "Next" to proceed
    After "Device is already set up" is displayed, tap "Next" again

  • STEP 11

    Set up other appliances by repeating STEP8-10

Commands for controlling

+Turns the device ON/OFF.

Alexa, turn on the AC.

+Fill the bath.

Alexa, turn on the water heater.
Device Device name Supported Commands Not supported Unsupported
AC / air conditioner ON turn on the [name] Temperature setting
Timer setting
cool down the room
warm up the room
OFF turn off the [name]
Floor heating / Underfloor heating ON turn on the [name] Temperature setting
Timer setting
cool down the room
warm up the room
OFF turn off the [name]
Water heater / Bath Fill the bath turn on the [name] Temperature setting
Water level setting
*Bath taps are not supported
prepare the bath
OFF turn off the [name]

Device name

Supported Commands
AC / air conditioner ON turn on the [name]
OFF turn off the [name]
Floor heating / Underfloor heating ON turn on the [name]
OFF turn off the [name]
Water heater / Bath Fill the bath turn on the [name]
OFF turn off the [name]

Device name

Supported Unsupported
AC / air conditioner Temperature setting
Timer setting
cool down the room
warm up the room
Floor heating / Underfloor heating Temperature setting
Timer setting
cool down the room
warm up the room
Water heater / Bath Fill the bath prepare the bath
  • *The names are examples of common initial setting names for rimoco+.
  • *Please call it by the device name displayed during initial setup.