Life Future with rimoco+

To residents of apartments equiped with rimoco+
How to use rimoco+ with Google Nest/Google Home

*Apartments equipped with FNJ's home amenity service "rimoco+"

Examples of devices compatible with rimoco+
voice control “turn on” and “turn off”

  • *Controllable appliances are different from room to room.
  • *Google Nest/Google Home does not support electronic door keys.

How to set up Google Home

  • STEP 1

    Open Google Home app and tap "Add"

  • STEP 2

    Tap "Device"

  • STEP 3

    Tap "Works with Google"

  • STEP 4

    Tap search button on the top right corner

  • STEP 5

    Enter "rimoco+" and tap rimoco+ in the search result

  • STEP 6

    From "Menu" in rimoco+ app, tap "Smart speaker" to generate link code

  • STEP 7

    Go back to Google Home app and enter the link code
    Wait unitl linking is complete

  • STEP 8

    Appliances registered to the account is displayed after linking is complete
    To set up where the appliance is placed, select an appliance and tap "Next"
    (You can finish the setup process by tapping "x" on the top left)

  • STEP 9

    Select house and tap "Next"

  • STEP 10

    Select room where the appliance is placed and tap "Next"

  • STEP 11

    Set up other appliances by repeating STEP 8-10

Commands for controlling

+Turns the device ON/OFF.

Ok Google,Turn on/off AC.
You got it. Changin the AC on.

+Fill the bath.

Ok Google, turn on the water heater.
Okay, I will turn on the hot water.

+Check the ON/OFF status of the device.

Ok Google, is the floor heating on?
The floor heating is on.
Device Device name Supported Commands Not supported Unsupported
AC / Air conditioner ON turn on the [name] Temperature setting
Timer setting
cool down the room
warm up the room
OFF turn off the [name]
Check device status the [name] on?
the [name] off?
Floor heating / Underfloor heating ON turn on the [name] Temperature setting
Timer setting
cool down the room
warm up the room
OFF turn off the [name]
Check device status the [name] on?
the [name] off?
Water heater / Bath Fill the bath turn on the [name] Temperature setting
Water level setting
*Bath taps are not supported
prepare the bath
OFF turn off the [name]
Check device status the [name] on?
the [name] off?

Device name

Supported Commands
AC / Air conditioner ON turn on the [name]
OFF turn off the [name]
Check device status the [name] on?
the [name] off?
Floor heating / Underfloor heating ON turn on the [name]
OFF turn off the [name]
Check device status the [name] on?
the [name] off?
Water heater / Bath Fill the bath turn on the [name]
OFF turn off the [name]
Check device status the [name] on?
the [name] off?

Device name

Not supported Unsupported commands
AC / Air conditioner Temperature setting
Timer setting
cool down the room
warm up the room
Floor heating / Underfloor heating Temperature setting
Timer setting
cool down the room
warm up the room
Water heater / Bath Temperature setting
Water level setting
*Bath taps are not supported
prepare the bath
  • *The names are examples of common initial setting names for rimoco+.
  • *Please call it by the device name displayed during initial setup.